
Non-perturbative topological strings from resurgence Murad Alim arXiv:2406.17852

Special geometry, quasi-modularity and attractor flow for BPS structures
Murad Alim, Florian Beck, Anna Biggs Daniel Bryan

Weblinks to Publications:

Peer reviewed Articles:

Quantum curves, resurgence and exact WKB
Murad Alim, Lotte Holland, Ivan Tulli

Mathematical structures of non-perturbative topological string theory: from GW to DT invariants
Murad Alim, Arpan Saha, Joerg Teschner, Ivan Tulli

A Hyperkähler geometry associated to the BPS structure of the resolved conifold
Murad Alim, Arpan Saha, Ivan Tulli

The Weak Gravity Conjecture and BPS Particles
Murad Alim, Ben Heidenreich, Tom Rudelius
arXiv:2108.08309 Fortschritte der Physik, Volume69, Issue11-12, December 2021

Integrable hierarchy for the resolved conifold
Murad Alim, Arpan Saha
arXiv:2101.11672 accepted at Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

Difference equation for the Gromov-Witten potential of the resolved conifold
Murad Alim

The algebra of derivations of quasi-modular forms from mirror symmetry
Murad Alim, Vadym Kurylenko, Martin Vogrin
arXiv:2008.06523, accepted at Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

Parabolic Higgs bundles, tt* connections and opers
Murad Alim, Florian Beck, Laura Fredrickson
arXiv:1911.06652, accepted at The Asian Journal of Mathematics

Gauss-Manin Lie algebra of mirror elliptic K3 surfaces
Murad Alim, Martin Vogrin
arXiv:1812.03185Mathematical Research Letters, volume 28 (2021), number 3

Airy Equation for the Topological String Partition Function in a Scaling Limit
Murad Alim, Shing-Tung Yau, Jie Zhou
arXiv:1506.01375 Letters in Mathematical Physics, June 2016, Volume 106, Issue 6, pp 719-729

Algebraic structure of tt* equations for Calabi-Yau sigma models
Murad Alim
arXiv:1412.3454, Communications in Mathematical Physics, August 2017, Volume 353, Issue 3, pp 963-1003

Gauss-Manin connection in disguise: Calabi-Yau threefolds
Murad Alim, Hossein Movasati, Emanuel Scheidegger, Shing-Tung Yau
arXiv:1410.1889 Communications in Mathematical Physics, June 2016, Volume 344, Issue 3, pp 889-914

Special Polynomial Rings, Quasi Modular Forms and Duality of Topological Strings.
Murad Alim, Emanuel Scheidegger, Shing-Tung Yau, Jie Zhou
arXiv:1306.0002Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol 18.2 (2014)

Topological Strings on Elliptic Fibrations.
Murad Alim, Emanuel Scheidegger
arXiv:1205.1784Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Vol 8.4. (2014)

N=2 Quantum Field Theories and Their BPS Quivers.
Murad Alim, Sergio Cecotti, Clay Cordova, Sam Espahbodi, Ashwin Rastogi, Cumrun Vafa
arXiv:1112.3984Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol 18.1 (2014)

Flat Connections in Open String Mirror Symmetry.
Murad Alim, Michael Hecht, Hans Jockers, Peter Mayr, Adrian Mertens, Masoud Soroush
arXiv:1110.6522. JHEP 1206 (2012) 138.

BPS Quivers and Spectra of Complete N=2 Quantum Field Theories.
Murad Alim, Sergio Cecotti, Clay Cordova, Sam Espahbodi, Ashwin Rastogi, Cumrun Vafa
arXiv:1109.4941Communications in Mathematical Physics, November 2013, Volume 323, Issue 3, pp 1185-1227

Wall-crossing holomorphic anomaly and mock modularity of multiple M5-branes.
Murad Alim, Babak Haghighat, Michael Hecht, Albrecht Klemm, Marco Rauch, Thomas Wotschke
arXiv:1012.1608 Communications in Mathematical Physics, November 2015, Volume 339, Issue 3, pp 773-814

Type II/F-theory Superpotentials with Several Deformations and N=1 Mirror Symmetry.
Murad Alim, Michael Hecht, Hans Jockers, Peter Mayr, Adrian Mertens, Masoud Soroush
arXiv:1010.0977. JHEP 1106 (2011) 103

Hints for Off-Shell Mirror Symmetry in type II/F-theory Compactifications.
Murad Alim, Michael Hecht, Hans Jockers, Peter Mayr, Adrian Mertens, Masoud Soroush
arXiv:0909.1842. Nucl.Phys. B841 (2010) 303-338.

Mirror Symmetry for Toric Branes on Compact Hypersurfaces.
Murad Alim, Michael Hecht, Peter Mayr, Adrian Mertens
arXiv:0901.2937. JHEP 0909 (2009) 126

Global Properties of Topological String Amplitudes and Orbifold Invariants.
Murad Alim, Jean Dominique Länge, Peter Mayr
arXiv:809.4253. JHEP 1003 (2010) 113

Polynomial Structure of the (Open) Topological String Partition Function.
Murad Alim, Jean Dominique Länge
arXiv:0708.2886. JHEP 0710 (2007) 045.

Conference Proceedings:

Polynomial Rings and Topological Strings.
Murad Alim, contribution to the proceedings of String Math 2013 conference.
arXiv:1401.5537Proceedings and Symposia in Pure Mathematics of AMS, Volume 88, 2014

Geometric hints of non-perturbative topological strings,
Oberwolfach Reports, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016

Lecture Notes:

Lectures on Mirror Symmetry and Topological String Theory.
Murad Alim
arXiv:1207.0496Surveys of Modern Mathematics, Volume 6, Open Problems and Surveys of Contemporary Mathematics.


Mirror Symmetry, Toric Branes and Topological String Amplitudes as Polynomials.
PhD Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2009in ).

Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Terms in Flux Compactifications.
Diploma Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2006).
